When conducting business, one major concern for any organisation will always be the security, compliance and utility of its data
->That’s where the role of Chief Data Officer comes in—they make sure that any workflows involving the handling of data are carefully vetted, and that data is ultimately organised in a way that complies with government regulations and security standards, as well as enabling its monetisation
The Chief Data Officer must be extremely detail-oriented. Every certification and standard that is targeted by their business must be second nature to them, and they need to be able to audit the way enterprise data is stored and handled at every turn with no room for error. A mistake or oversight can cost a company its reputation and revenue stream overnight.
Over the years, we’ve appointed some of the top Chief Data Officers in the industry, and have built up relationships with some of the best candidates in the space. We know what kind of person it takes to become a truly effective Chief Data Officer, and we’re ready to recommend our people to Australia’s fast-growth enterprises.